Spider veins are considered to be damaged small veins which may appear on the surface of the face or legs. Generally, these veins are not to be harmful or painful. Nevertheless, some individuals may want to get rid of these due to cosmetic reasons. To get more info, you can keep going through this blog.
What do spider veins are?
Spider veins are red, purple, or blue-looking small veins that can appear in branches, webs, or lines. These are also regarded as thread veins. There are different kinds of treatments that one can use to treat this issue. But consulting an expert doctor beforehand is the first and foremost priority for you. Spider veins are generally known to be flat or slightly raised.
If valves inside veins stop working in legs properly, then it may develop spider veins. The job of veins is to carry blood back to the heart. It contains one-way valves that prevent blood from flowing backward.
If such valves become damaged or weakened, then blood may not properly flow in the right direction. It may result in blood pooling inside the vein. This can ultimately cause bulging in the vein that branches out, which creates spider veins.
On the other hand, spider veins develop on the face due to tiny blood vessels bursting. Sun -damage or increased pressure may cause this on the face.
Risk factors
There are supposed to be some factors that could increase a person’s chance of suffering from spider veins. The first reason is genetic. Around 90% of the people that suffer from this problem suffer due to being genetically predisposed. On the other hand, pregnancy could be another prime risk factor in this regard. Extra weight and increased blood moving through the body can enhance one’s risk of developing spider veins issue. In some women, the spider veins may even disappear after their pregnancy.
Moreover, being older and female has higher risks of developing this issue. On top of that, some hormones could contribute to increasing this risk, such as hormonal birth control, estrogen, etc. Not to mention, sitting or standing for a long duration can also increase one’s risk of developing these issues.
There are to be different kinds of treatments to treat spider veins issues. But you are supposed to consult a doctor to find which treatment or solution would be the best option for you in this regard. You get more info by reading further.
Spider veins, despite being harmless normally, could cause some discomfort and pain. Most people want to get rid of it for purely cosmetic reasons. Few o the treatments are described below.
- Compression stockings
Wearing socks or compression stockings is known to be a great treatment to get rid of spider veins. It puts pressure on veins in the lower legs, effectively improving blood flow to prevent spider veins. This stocking can also prove beneficial in relieving leg swelling and preventing possible blood clots in the legs.
There are various compression stockings such as support pantyhouse, gradient compression socks, stockings, prescription compression stockings, etc. You can decide to go for any of these stocking solutions after getting a recommendation from your doctor.
- Sclerotherapy
This procedure involves injecting some irritant into the affected vein. Once vein walls become irritated, they are to stick together and thus keep blood from flowing into that area. It is to effectively reduce swelling and thus causes the vein to shrink. This is how spider veins ultimately vanish or fade. Few treatments might be necessary for obtaining desired results.
Only a professional healthcare expert should perform this procedure. Only a few health care professionals could successfully perform this procedure, such as trained nurses, cosmetic surgeons, plastic surgeons, vein specialists, dermatologists, etc. This specific procedure does not require any anesthesia to say the east. It may take around a few weeks to completely recover from it.
- Laser treatment
There are laser treatments that could be performed to treat spider veins. This treatment is recommended for those veins which happen to be smaller than 3 millimeters. Laser is a focused beam of light that causes spider veins to clot and eventually dry up. This particular treatment is known to be less invasive as compared to the closure system or sclerotherapy.
- Endovenous laser therapy
This is another effective laser treatment that is suitable for small spider veins and varicose veins. A laser fibre is supposed to be inserted into the affected vein. The laser is to apply heat to the vein and cause this to collapse. It is likely to take from a few months to a year to completely disappear.
Do your research first
You are required to do proper extensive research about the spider veins issue. Only after exploring valuable information can you choose to go for a suitable treatment. Moreover, it is also essential on your part to take necessary advice and recommendations from your doctor.