Employment Background Check- Manage Failure

To get a job to earn a decent enough living is considered a hard boiled task nowadays due to which we have to go through various struggles in life but one doesn’t have any other choice except to battle on instead of sinking beneath our anguish.

Life is full of struggles with various hurdles and challenges put out by fate that one has to go through and getting a job is perhaps the last stop towards the successful career which is why you have to get it as soon as possible.

This brings us to the topic of employment but there is a twist in the story in the form of background checking that has become an integral part of the parcel at every job interview especially if you’re trying out for a multinational organization.

Job Culture

It is one thing to get the job of your choice and another to manage things out during the employment background check procedure and it is difficult to find a job nowadays that does not have such strictness.

Every organization is here to stay in a competitive industry so they need to make sure that they don’t hire any Tom, Dick and Harry with dubious criminal backgrounds or a bad track record in previous companies that is enough for them to show the door to the candidate.

There are many reasons that can make a candidate fail the background check done within the company so he needs to follow some important points in order to succeed in their mission.

Beginners that are trying out for a job for the first time tend to flunk due to nervousness or lack of confidence when sitting in front of a panel of seasoned recruiters with little idea about what to expect in an interview.

If the background check doesn’t go well then the candidate is bound to fail the interview so you must know what to do under such circumstances that are very likely to occur.

When the candidate has all the qualifications and is perfect for the job profile of your company then it is a moral dilemma so you need to conduct a SWOT analysis on why the candidate failed and work out his strengths and weaknesses.


The reason for failure can be casual or very serious so your company needs to share the verification report in detail of all the tests conducted like criminal history checking, employment history and verification, identity and address confirmation, educational qualifications, etc.

The red flags that have been marked by the verification agency have to be analyzed amongst company experts but something as trivial as having a legal case for not following traffic rules can be overlooked if the candidate is good.

Every organization has a hiring policy with strict guidelines for hiring different profiles so work out the details of the profile before hiring the candidate on whether he fulfills all of them and then cross check all the credentials in order to get more info on the matter.

Have a face to face discussion with the candidate regarding the failure of his test report because it is possible that he may have fallen victim to identity theft or software error and finally take a decision based on your entire research.